Colonial Leaders

Who was John smith We think that John Smith was born in 1579 or 1580.
He also became the colony leader by helping the colony survive.
Smith died in 1631 at the age 51 in england.
Sep 10 was the day Smith became the president for his colony.
In 1600 he joined the Austrian Forces to fight in the Long War.
In Dec 1607 he got captured by Chief Powhatan men.
When he was 16 he left home after his father died.
Smith set sail on 3 ships on Dec 20,1607 on fleet.
Smith has been a prisoner before.
His colony used to struggle for food.

The Walking Night By Bryce

chapter 1
One stormy rainy night,Bryce,Kenny,Brady,and Dylan are all at Bryce`s house.During that night the lights went out.My friend Brady went to check out the power panel.The next thing we heard was brady screaming,and went running down the hall so fast that like something was chasing him.”Hurry we have to get out of here!!!!”Brady said.There was someone one in the house.We locked ourselves in my room.I said” uh where’s Kenny and Dylan?”.I tried to call them but there phones were in the living room.I headed first to my dads room to grab some weapons.I thought I heard Kenny and Dylan in the kitchen cabinet.We saw someone in our house.So I said hello,he turned and looked at me and said”ahhhh g”!!!!”Are you ok” .”AAAAAHHHH”,he said.He started chasing me.I shot him with my pistol.He was deformed,he had a ton of scratches on him and was barfing blood.We finally found Kenny and Dylan,and asked them if they were ok.They said they were good.”We need to get prepared for the zombie apocalypse we need some supplies.
chapter 2
“Ok so we have to get to the supermarket to get some supplies,to get there we have to go through the woods”So while they were walking through the woods they heard a herd of zombies.We ran as fast as we could to get by the whataburger wich was by the supermarket.They grabbed some gear and got armor from the nearby police department.We also got a lamborghini and put some spikes on the shield over the windshield,then we drove to the hospital.They had zombies strapped down there.Then they put a shot in him.It was the cure.So I ran in there and I said,”Dad?Is that really you”He said yes.I was so happy.But then I remembered that they figured out the cure.So we found the military camp and told them about the cure.So they put the cure in missiles to save the world,then the machine started to count down…3…2…1
To Be Continued!


This homecoming was fun.Me and my friends goofed off and we watched the game,we had fun.That night I looked on the ground and found 4 quarters.The sweet teas at the concession stand were 1.00.It was my lucky day or night,homecoming was at night.My friends were so nice my best friend even bought me a dr pepper.They were really nice to do that.My friends and I played football.I had so much fun that night.It was also probably the best football game i’ve ever had.The next day I was on the float and threw a ton of candy.I may have eaten a little bit of candy.The worst part is we only have it every 3 years,which sucks.I can’t wait to come back in 8th grade.I hope you all have a good homecoming year.

9-11 Reflection

These are the twin towers and this picture shows that two planes have hit the twin towers.It is a huge explosion.A Lot of people died that day.It was sad.There were two other planes one hit the pentagon,the other one,people fought back.We americans through every day objects on the hijackers,like coffee,forks,boiled water.They might make us fall.But we will get right back up.That’s one of the main reason we celebrate 9-11.Be thankfull for those people who saved a special place,and sacrificed their life for a good reason.So knowone will keep us down.

Pumpkin Patch

The orange medium size pumpkin sat there.A big red house was sitting in a large pumpkin patch.During the warm season fall there was a pumpkin patch.The green grass whistled though to the breezy wind.The beautiful blue sky was next to the orange pumpkin patch.

Life In Fifth Grade

So far in fifth grade it has been fun.Im glad i can see my friends again.All my teachers so far have been fun,i love science,and I love math.I think i just got a girlfriend,lets hope i did.My favorite part of school is we get computers.My teachers have been fun.I love my school,You should too.